Proficient Reading:
Distinguished Reading:
Proficient Math:
Distinguished Math:
Severe weather or poor road conditions can result in an NTI weather day, a one- or two-hour delay to the start of school, an early dismissal, or cancellation of school.
During the 2024-25 school year, Fayette County Public Schools will use Non-Traditional Instruction (NTI) instead of school closings whenever feasible. NTI will allow students to continue learning when weather conditions make it unsafe to attend school in person. An NTI weather day counts as a school day since students participate in learning at home. With NTI, there is no need to make up or add a day to the academic calendar.
In the event of a sustained weather event or state of emergency, detailed information will be communicated in response to specific conditions at the time.
Students will use their district-issued devices or other materials to complete activities outlined by their teacher(s) in Canvas. Synchronous learning will not take place. Teachers will offer virtual office hours from 1:30 until 3:30pm via Zoom/Google Meet links (found on Canvas). NTI Days will follow the A/B Day schedule.
Please reach out to teachers via email for support.
Help Desk: (859) 422-5555