Graduates 2008 and earlier --- complete this linked form. Someone from our registrar's office will contact you when the transcript is ready. Transcripts are $5.00 each, and can be paid with cash or check only.
Graduates 2009 to current students -- Transcripts for current students and graduates 2009 through present should be requested through Parchment at the link above. Transcripts are free to current students. Graduates can pay the $5.00 fee with credit/debit card.
Several mistakes are being made when creating accounts that prevents Parchment from matching the transcript requests with what we send to Parchment. The following mistakes have been the most common mistakes and are taking time to be resolved:
- Using a nickname instead of the name on the transcript (same as on your birth certificate).
- Misspelled student names
- Using graduation leave date from college instead of high school
- Incorrect date of birth
- Parents completing the requests and using parent's information like birth year instead of the student's info.
These mistakes can be prevented by using the registration code that was given to current students via student email. All current 10th-12th graders have been emailed with this code.
If you have requested a transcript via Parchment, the transcript will be delivered electronically. Seniors need to request a final transcript through Parchment during May/June. If you have to create an account, make sure to follow the notes above.
Steps to follow:
- Go to Log into your Parchment account. If you haven’t logged in before, you need to create an account.
- Students requesting their own transcripts would be using a learner account.
- Click the Order button. Select your destination by searching or entering a mailing or email address manually.
- If you don’t see the Order button, then you need to add BSHS to your account. To do this, click +Add another school or organization you attended.
- You'll land on the Order Details page. To wait until your next grades are in before sending your transcript, select Hold for Grades from the drop-down menu.
- To send your transcript to another destination, click + Add Another Destination.
- Your total charges appear on the right side, and include any shipping fees. This will remain free for students until the August of the year you graduate.
- Click Save & Continue.
- Continue following directions until you can click Checkout.
- For more detailed instructions, go to Transcripts requested after August 1 of the year you graduate will be charged a fee.