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2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

Proficient Reading:



Distinguished Reading:



Proficient Math:



Distinguished Math:



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The Defender Bulletin
BSHS School-Wide Newsletter

Welcome to The Defender Bulletin, the BSHS school-wide newsletter. In the past, we have made academy-specific newsletters. However, in order to streamline our communication during Station U/NTI2L, we decided it would be better for everyone to get information from the same place. This monthly newsletter will contain important announcements, upcoming dates, a letter from our executive principal, academy sections, and contact information.

How to navigate the newsletters: 
This is a Google slides presentation. You can either:
1. Click through each slide one by one like a traditional slide show.
2. Use the links and “back to home or section” buttons to navigate through the menus like a website.

Please click the following links to access that month's newsletter. 

2022-2023 School Year
September 2022 Newsletter
October 2022 Newsletter
November 2022 Newsletter
December 2022 Newsletter